Managing Anxiety before it gets out of control

We live in a chaotic world rife with uncertainty and stressful situations. Anxiety is an emotional response that helps us survive challenges by providing the motivation to calculate risks and stay organized. While it is a healthy emotion, sometimes anxiety goes out of control and becomes a daily occurrence. Regular disproportionate levels of anxiety are a medical disorder.  Anxiety attacks can be frustrating and debilitating.   

Unlike panic attacks which are triggered by external factors such as phobia, anxiety attacks are caused by a buildup of worry, tension, and other characteristics of anxiety. In addition to attacks, people with anxiety may also suffer from digestive problems, insomnia, chronic pain, or get into destructive habits that worsen their health. Fortunately, anxiety-inducing triggers can be easily identified and controlled naturally.  Strategies that can help you cope with anxiety and prevent anxiety attacks include:  

  1. Exercise Regularly 

Exercise gives you control over your body and environment. An increased sense of control is effective at decreasing anxiety which is typically triggered by a sense of helplessness. Physical activity also stimulates the release of endorphins. These chemicals produce a feeling of euphoria and promote relaxation.  

A ten-minute walk is enough to trigger the anti-anxiety effects of exercise. Other physical activities such as jogging, aerobics, swimming, and biking regularly are also effective.  

  1. Prioritize sleep 

Insomnia is often the cause or effect of anxiety. Improving the quality of your sleep can help cure your disorder. Physical activity should help. Other strategies to help you sleep better include maintaining a regular sleeping schedule, avoiding snoozing the alarm, avoiding screen-time before bed, and creating a conducive environment in the bedroom for sleep.        

  1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet 

Healthy eating improves your physical and mental health. Improved health has been known to alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Healthy eating involves consuming nutritious food while maintaining a regular eating schedule and moderate portion sizes. Foods rich in magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, probiotics, and Omega-3 fatty acids are known to alleviate anxiety symptoms. 

Artificial flavorings, colorings, and preservatives are known to cause mood swings. Dehydrating drinks such as coffee, soda, alcohol, and tea also cause stress to the body and can induce anxiety and anxiety attacks. Make sure you hydrate and avoid processed foods.  

  1. Deep breathing and meditation 

Use these techniques to relieve stress and soothe anxiety. Taking deep and slow breaths is especially effective at calming the mind and body before or during an anxiety attack. There are several meditation practices but the goal is to clear your mind of all chaotic thoughts and replace them with calm and mindfulness. A study by John Hopkins suggests that meditating 30 minutes every day can alleviate anxiety.     

  1. Consider a Career shift 

Career anxiety is a source of frustration for many. Many people are miserable at their jobs but feel stuck because of their bleak financial situations or fear of change. Such anxiety can cripple your professional development and take a toll on your personal life. If your job is what's making you anxious, you can reclaim your peace of mind by changing your situation at work or changing your career.  

If you are considering a career change, online programs are a great option to earn a degree at your own pace in another field. Going back to school to get an MBA degree can improve your prospects. There are several online programs that you can choose from.     

  1. Find a Support Network 

While there are several strategies to help you cope with anxiety by yourself, it helps to have a support network. Support from family or friends can give you the additional strength to deal with anxiety. A support group comprising of people who are also recovering from anxiety disorder can help you on the journey by proving to you that you are not alone.   

When you experience anxiety on a daily basis and your ability to function is impeded, or when you are in extreme distress as a result of anxiety, you should seek help from a mental health professional.   

Author: Sophie Letts

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