Protein pancakes

What you’ll need:

1 cup Greek yogurt (I use plain to avoid added sugars!)

1 egg

1/2 cup flour (I use all purpose)

1/2 cup almond milk 

1 tsp baking soda 

1 tbsp flaxseed (sneaky fiber boost)

Optional add ins for taste: a few drops of vanilla essence, a dash of cinnamon, choc chips, frozen blueberries. 


Mix together the yogurt, beaten egg and milk.

Mix in a separate bowl the flour, baking soda, and flaxseed. 

Combine the mixtures and add your flavorings (vanilla, cinnamon etc..). Definitely add something or they’ll be rather bland! 

Heat pan with oil (I use spray oil) to medium high and add a scoop of your mixture. I got quite a few pancakes out of my mix as i made them on the thinner side. They puff up quite nicely so no need to over scoop unless you want a giant pancake of course! Brown on each side until done to your liking. Pair with a side of fruit or maple syrup. Yum! How fantastic to have guilt free pancakes any time you like!

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